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Face fit testing is a method of checking that a specific make, model and size of tight-fitting face-piece matches the wearer’s facial features and seals adequately against the face in order to provide the level of protection required and regulated by the HSE.   

There are two methods of face fit testing approved by the HSE; Quantitative and Qualitative. The test must be conducted by a competent face fit operator and this competence can be demonstrated through accreditation under the FIT2FIT RPE Fit Test Providers Accreditation Scheme developed by the British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF)

Face fit testing offers the wearer a higher level of assurance and confidence that the respiratory protective equipment issued by their employer, when maintained and worn as per the manufacturer instructions, is providing the required level of protection.

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Quantitative fit testing (QNFT) is a pass/fail test which provides an objective numerical evaluation of how well the face-piece seals against the wearer’s face whilst performing a series of test exercises.
This method of testing is suitable for tight-fitting half face disposable and re-usable face-pieces, and tight-fitting full face masks.

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Qualitative fit testing (QLFT) is a pass/fail test based on the wearer’s subjective assessment of any leakage through the face seal region by detecting the taste of a bitter or sweet tasting aerosol whilst performing a series of test exercises.
This method of testing is only suitable for tight-fitting half face disposable and re-usable face-pieces.

Training & Hire Equipment

  • RPE Training

    Shield Scotland can provide bespoke RPE initial and/or continuing professional development (CPD) training for workers and management responsible for staff health and safety in the selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective equipment (RPE)

    The training provided can range from;

    • RPE Selection
    • RPE Maintenance
    • The correct use of RPE
    • RPE Legislation and Regulations

    *Please note, a face fit test is required separately to RPE training

  • Train the Tester

    You may decide that you have sufficient RPE wearers within your area of work to justify training personnel to take ownership of performing fit testing ‘in house’ and providing fit test certificates.
    If this is the case, Shield Scotland can attend your place of work and provide train the tester training in the Qualitative method of testing.
    Qualitative fit testing (QLFT) is a pass/fail test based on the wearer’s subjective assessment of any leakage through the face seal region by detecting the taste of a bitter or sweet tasting aerosol whilst performing a series of test exercises.
    This method of testing is only suitable for tight-fitting half face disposable and reusable face-pieces.

  • Portacount Hire

    TSI Portacount 8040 machines are available to hire to trained fit test operators for 3 days or more.